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  • Writer's pictureShubham Gupta

The fact that I love to write, is enough that I will be a writer one day.

The fact that I love to write, is enough that I will be a writer one day.

The only thing that affects me a lot is that – why does the Indian society never accepts our dreams at one go? Why do we always have to prove ourselves before pursuing our dreams? Why do we have to face struggles to prove our passion? Instead, we can utilize this energy in making our dreams come true. But unfortunately, many youngsters with dreams, passion, ideas, and energy lose their path because they have to be ideal in their career options. Our career options, according to the society, are limited to engineering, medical or CA. Parents, too, fail to support our dreams because they want security –secured job, secured finances and secured life, therefore, they ignore their child’s passion. Seriously, I think this is the root-cause of all the problems in India. Youngster are not encouraged to pursue their passion and without passion they are like body without soul.

§ Indeed, when one is choosing a career, a secured job and guaranteed finances are the two most important factors to be considered but so is one’s passion. I think that passion is what undoubtedly sustains any individual and one’s interest must be taken into consideration.

§ Now back to my point- why do I wish to become a writer? One thing that I find extremely therapeutic is writing. Being a writer can be a very fascinating job. Surely, not every individual who chooses writing as a career would have a bestselling book, or win a Booker Prize or become an editor of newspaper. Nevertheless, the greatest award which any writer can achieve is the feeling of self-accomplishment and self-realization.

§ I believe that writing offers an individual the ability to express oneself, speak for those lacking courage and stimulate thoughts of his readers. Writing is undeniably an amazing profession. As a writer, you possess the power to convince, capture and coax others. They can travel to foreign lands and imaginary worlds with every word you write.

§ It helps you to understand others in a better way and take your thoughts to a level where no one has been ever before. Writing makes our lives worthy. I mean, well, the whole point of education is to be a better person. The main purpose of education is a magical word-Change. We have to bring a change. We have to change this society for good. We have to improve on how people think and live. Yet, when we try to change those things, we are met with stiff resistance. “It’s not possible.” “It’s not going to happen.” “Are you crazy?” “C’mon! You’re out of your mind!”

People often ask me that why a person of my caliber would want to ‘waste’ his life in pursuing Mass communication? Well, I don’t blame them. They are groomed in an environment where making a decent living is possible by working in the ‘accepted’ mainstream fields. In fact, taking up a 9-5 career is, what they think, the highest honor they can achieve in life. I often tell them that my choice is not about wasting my life. I say it with determination. I have only one life and I don’t want to waste it doing a mainstream job. The truth will not change. I will be happy because I did what my heart told me to do. I chose the path which I wanted to travel. My life choices are my decisions and nobody can force me in something I dislike.

I am doing justice to myself living my life on my own terms. I will make sure that I make a difference to this society. Also, on my way to my dreams, if I manage to change somebody’s life with my thoughts, actions, behavior or passion – wouldn't I be doing a service to this nation? So go on, BE the change, Follow your passion.

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